Outdoor Sculpture

Big Bike, Bathgate-Armadale cycleway

Legs, Bathgate-Armadale cycleway

King and Queen 2, Glenkiln, Dumfries-shire

The following images were captured with a Minolta Dynax 7D digital camera using Minolta 20mm and 24-105mm lenses.

Henry Moore, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, April 13th 2005

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, April 13th 2005

Landform, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, April 13th 2005

Landform, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, April 13th 2005

North West USA (In Preparation)

Colorado Impressions

Scottish Scenery - Index

Black and White

Flowers - Wild & Tame


Close up

Sons and Brothers in Scotland (In Preparation)

Scottish Cricket

Photographic equipment examples

Scottish Scenery - old web page

Glasgow Peace March, February 15th 2003
