Egypt 2003 - Cairo and Aswan

My Egyptian adventure took place between March 29th and April 12th 2003. We left sunny, warm, Edinburgh and arrived in the middle of the night in a cool, cloudy, Cairo. Our hotel was in Dokki, on the west bank of the Nile and we set out to explore the city the following morning. The first hurdle to be overcome was learning how to cross the road, in the teeth of the appalling traffic. Having negotiated half of Sharia el-Nil, we were advised by a friendly native that it would not be a good idea to carry on to the city centre, as an anti-war demo was in progress there. Instead we spent a couple of hours doing the usual papyrus and perfume thing. Eventually we managed to reach the city centre and pay a visit to the amazing Egyptian Museum, viewing the treasures of Tutankamun and other wonders before taking the clean, efficient and cheap metro back to Dokki.

Egyptian Museum, Cairo

The next day it was off to Aswan on the 7.30am train from Ramses Station (no photography allowed at the station). The thirteen hour journey up the Nile Valley was endlessly fascinating, especially as we saw into everyone's backyards. Eventually we found ourselves in the famous Old Cataract Hotel, where we stayed for three luxurious nights, almost the only guests in the place despite their much reduced rates. Much time was spent sipping tea on the lovely terrace overlooking the great river.

Bedroom, Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan

River Nile at Aswan

Birds on the Terrace of the Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan

The Old Cataract Hotel from the river bank at night

The Old Cataract Hotel from the river, during the day

After a day or so not doing very much at all, a decision was made to go and look at a few antiquities. The simplest and cheapest are on the west bank, reached by a local ferry (1 Egyptian Pound for tourists, 25pt for locals) - the Tombs of the Nobles (admission charge) and, a mile or so away across the desert, St Simeon's Monastery.

Tombs of the Nobles, West Bank, Aswan

St Simeon's Monastery, West Bank, near Aswan

Fresco of Christ and the Apostles, St Simeon's Monastery, West Bank, near Aswan

St Simeon's Monastery and desert, West Bank, near Aswan


Sinai, Part 1

Sinai, Part 2

Sinai, Part 3

Flora and fauna

