Egypt 2003 - Pyramids

Having met up with the other members of our little group, for the "Sinai Desert Adventurer", we intrepid adventurers set off in the morning of April 5th to look at the evolution of the pyramid, beginning at Dashur, with some of the earliest examples of the genre, then on to Memphis and Saqqara before ending up at the famous pyramids of Giza and, of course, the Sphinx.

True pyramid, Dashur

Collapsed pyramid (in the distance), Dashur

"Bent" pyramid, Dashur

Sphinx, Memphis

....two vast and trunkless legs of stone.... or "Up yer kilt": Ramses II, Memphis

Explicit relief in a mastaba at Saqqara

Step pyramid of Zoser, Saqqara: the very first dressed stone structure in the world?

Sphinx and pyramids, Giza

Cairo & Aswan

Sinai, Part 1

Sinai, Part 2

Sinai, Part 3

Flora & Fauna

