Egypt 2003 - Sinai Part 3: Coloured Canyon & Red Sea

This section is under development.

The final part of the "desert adventure" was a trip to, and through, the Coloured Canyon. It is so named because the sandstone has been mineralised and stained in a variety of attractive ways, in some cases following natural bedding planes, including cross-bedding, and in some cases forming patterns independent of bedding. Some of these rocks can be seen on the Geology page. Following a stimulating climb out of the canyon and into the baking heat of the desert, we drove on to Dahab, on the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, where, braving the very strong wind and speeding windsurfers, some of us had a swim. The next day was spent lounging around, with occasional snorkelling, at the remarkable "Blue Hole" nearby.

Inside the "Coloured Canyon"

The "Coloured Canyon"

Boat at Dahab

The beach at Dahab

Blue Hole, near Dahab. The coral reef fringing the shore drops sharply away to an incredible depth - 60 metres or more.

Palm trees at Dahab

Heading back to Cairo from Nuweiba

Heading back to Cairo from Nuweiba

Heading back to Cairo from Nuweiba

Cairo & Aswan


Sinai, Part 1

Sinai, Part 2

Flora & Fauna

