
I was born at 41 The Drive in Hove (now a block of flats), very close to the Sussex County Cricket Ground. My parents lived across the border in Brighton. Both being thoroughly Scottish, however, I managed to persuade them to return to their homeland almost as soon as I could walk. We resided happily in Wormit, Fife throughout the rest of my childhood and teens, until I went to the University of Edinburgh in 1969, to study Geology. Graduating in 1973, I then pursued a career in museums for the next 31 years, before getting early retirement from the National Museums of Scotland. That's just about the story of my life really. You'll have to visit other pages if you want to find out more.

Myself and my sister in 1951

Taking some of my first steps, with my sister, in November 1951

Taking some of my first steps, with my sister, in November 1951

Myself in the back garden of our home in Wormit, Fife, June 1953.

Myself, studying seaweed on Wormit beach with my sister in the background, June 1953.

Myself, celebrating US Independence Day, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 4th 2005 (Minolta Dynax 7D, 24-105mm lens).

In the autumn of 2005 I submitted a DNA sample for the Morrison genealogy project and it seems my Y-DNA profile is as follows:

Locus DYS Alleles
1 393 13
2 390 24
3 19 15
4 391 10
5 385a 11
6 385b 15
7 426 12
8 388 12
9 439 13
10 389.1 13
11 392 13
12 389.2 29

If anyone knows what the above means and how it relates to my ancestral history, please get in touch with me (email to:


Paternal Ancestors

Maternal Ancestors


My Sister's Website

Photo Gallery Expanding!

Scottish Scenery Expanding!

Foreign Travels Expanding!

My Family and Other Animals

Why a Career in Museum Documentation was Not Boring Defunct!

Articles, papers & a thesis Static!

Links to other websites of interest Exciting!
